

I saw "Jamie Oliver does Stockholm" last night. They picked mushrooms and cooked them on a fire with beautiful & fresh ingredients and walked through fields of blueberries. Natural berries, herbs, roots etc. are the best! I live in a country now where a lot (!) is poisonous, where people have learnt by trial and error. If you cook this berry three times and then leave it for one day and then cook it again before you eat it you wont die. Seeing Jamie in the forest made me miss summer breakfasts, handpicked berries and homemade granola. "Smultron" - Wild Strawberries are part of the Swedish dream. Pippi Longstockings has made them into a-something-you-have-to-do-every-summer-thing and they are the best. Squat in the grass, line them on a straw, sit down in the sun and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2.10.10

    Hej Lisa på din 25 års födelsesdag. Jag tror du hittade dessa smultron i mormors trädgård.
