Going through photos for the exhibition i was looking for something more pattern like.. The nature of the exi is traveling and faces of places, but a few of the frames just really need a pattern more so than a face. So, browsing the catalouge I stumbled across these old photos from a quick visit in Singapore, not for exhibition use, but thought I'd share them with you. Cheers.
Photo Exhibition....
So, we're having an exhibition.. Don't really know how this happened but it did and now it's a week to go and we've done less than half of what we need to do...
It's hard to look at your own photos and see that other people might like them, even buy them. I've been told of many that they would love some of photos on their walls, but I still can't see it, feel it. And now, I'm gonna expose myself and my photos to the public. I'm slightly nervous. Next Saturday, I'll be even more so.
Going through the photos over and over again hasn't made it easier to decide which goes where. It has made it harder. They have lost their appeal, being viewed too many times. Standing still for two long though, we have come to this cross road, and i think we're actually crossing it quite well with some, finally, creative ideas and thoughts. Experimenting with chemicals, glue, wood, paper, etc. we have started to work towards Saturday!
Little Tim
photo by Tim
So, Tim is away. On new adventures without me.
He had a vision, he decided to go for it, he invested and he worked and now he's there. Seeing things not many would see and meeting people so great not many can compare.
He is now shooting a short documentary in Thailand about ethical tourism. I am pretty sure he will write about on his blog when he gets back, but for now, check out what's there already!
Dance for me...
When young and unaffected by others opinions I used to dance with horses.
You create a special bond where both human and horse leave everything else and sees only the other. You leave all physical connections and instead communicate with your eyes, body and mind. When fulfilled, your movements will become one.
I haven't done this since I last had horses around me and now, having the opportunity to ride and handle this beautiful stallion I managed to enter my young mind and once more disappear in the dance.
I saw "Jamie Oliver does Stockholm" last night. They picked mushrooms and cooked them on a fire with beautiful & fresh ingredients and walked through fields of blueberries. Natural berries, herbs, roots etc. are the best! I live in a country now where a lot (!) is poisonous, where people have learnt by trial and error. If you cook this berry three times and then leave it for one day and then cook it again before you eat it you wont die. Seeing Jamie in the forest made me miss summer breakfasts, handpicked berries and homemade granola. "Smultron" - Wild Strawberries are part of the Swedish dream. Pippi Longstockings has made them into a-something-you-have-to-do-every-summer-thing and they are the best. Squat in the grass, line them on a straw, sit down in the sun and enjoy!
And now I've been tried by one of these...
Worse than a wasp, pain from finger tip to elbow, itchy as a lunatic.
Do I have to tell you he suffered an aggressive death just after the incident?!
Playing in the bored
A temporary home..
"Danish carrier pigeon choose Österlen" was the title of the article.
Over a week ago a banded bird landed on our veranda. We didn't notice it at first but when the pigeon walked up to us and made himself comfortable just twenty centimeters from our feet he gave us the opportunity to take a closer look. We got the numbers from his leg and, as my generation cleverly allows, googled it. I google everything. And, we happened to find the owner. In Denmark. We found out that little 034 (now Pidgy) had been let out in Germany to participate in a competition. The pigeon who reach home first wins. He said that carrier pigeons can fly 900 kilometers in 15 hours! Unfortunately, there was strong westerly winds and 034 lost track, for the first time in his life. He landed in our garden, where he found a spot to eat and poop for a week. The sunflower seeds finished quickly. When mum had just bought special pigeon seeds and minerals he decided to leave. Ungratefully. We were all heartbroken.

(Oh, I finally got the big Lisa Löwenborg back, it used to be tiny tiny tiny.. hmm. Good.)
I could show you my new passport photo, but I wont.
I never thought I was the one who was the one when it came to passport photos.
But standing with my new passport, looking like a pale potato with hair on one side, I couldn't help but turning into one of those people caring about the little photo in the corner of a, I guess not too unimportant but rather insignificant document. I refused to show it to my mum (!) and it took me some time to get used to it and to be able to even look at it myself. The lady at the counter told me that one are not supposed to look good in passport photographs, but I was really not unhappy with my old one. Please bring it back! Luckily, I received my new driving license today as well which was a self-portrait; No evil machines, and it wasn't as bad. But why do people care about these things? I have friends that pays a lot of money to get a good photographer taking their driving license photo, I can admit that I did put Some makeup on, but I never thought I really cared.. until now! But then again, why does those passport photo machines have to be so unflatteringly evil? And why didn't the first lady at the first counter allow me to have another chance in front of the camera?
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