It has been a while. It has been a lot.
First came christmas then came new years. After many days of freedom and play we found out that we have to leave our apartment due to lack in a promise we thought we would get. Being the way we are though, we have postponed packing and dealing with various things until the happening day.
The fact that it is and has been around 30 - 40°C and our city is breeding aggressive mosquitos does not make life much easier. For example, we were taking the trailer of the car last night, it took us five minutes tops, and I could feel my skin sting. Coming home, throwing all my clothes on the floor due to a feeling of ants in my pants I could count fifteen fresh bites! And that was only the ones I could actually see and count, not the ones on my back itching all night. And the other day I had to run across a field with my arms whiffing around my face to get rid of the biting bastards. On top of that I was baby sitting a devil child running after me crying: Mosquitos are nature you cant kill them! Mosquitos are nature you cant kill them! Mosquitos are nature you cant kill them! Mosquitos are nature you cant kill them!!! Aaaaaaah!!
If you disregard all the bad things lately though, the good are many! But they are not as fun to write about.. Stoked to be leaving Newcastle, stoked to be snowboarding the Himalayas soon. Cüber excited to be receiving a new lens in a week. Harmonized after having finished the last assignments and exams for the semester. And the sun is, despite the temperature a blessing for the soul and I'm riding a new board that turns really well. Hopefully, after the move to somewhere we do not know yet, I will have more time to learn and experiment in the world of photography. Can't wait to acquire new knowledge!
