I drove a car for the first time since I came here the other day. Everything was a bit reversed, including me. First encountering was a left turn and I drove out on the wrong side of the road. No other cars to be seen though and no stalling through the whole ride, but a bit bumpy driving with my big foot pressing down both clutch, brake and accelerator way too much. Although, I learnt that my big foot is a good foot, when looking at some snowboard boots the other day. After an hour, trying to find a pair that fit, the man kept telling me I had a good foot and finally left me to figure it out by myself. Coming from a country where everything is absolutely organized and structured, I have been finding myself regularly stumbling on the irregular sidewalks here. Someone would say that even this has got to do with my very good feet. Luckily the buses are free in my new town. A decision made to make people from the outskirts of town to spend more money in the city centre. It works for me; I cannot spend any money, so I am not seduced; I only abuse the system. I am trying my hardest to find a decent flat for a decent amount of money, but there's none. At home there's a lowest standard that people are not allowed to brake, but here, an apartment can look like a rat hole and smell like a kitty tray and still be available for rent. I am not having much luck in my progress. I have also been bitten by a dog. What else, my knees are as big as footballs. Not big as in good this time, although I doubt that the feet comment meant good as is Good Good.
However, I believe that my luck is about to change. I can feel it in my toes.